Poco conosciuto fatti circa Samsung Quick Share.

Poco conosciuto fatti circa Samsung Quick Share.

Blog Article

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a pop-up asking to accept the shared files. Tapping "Accept" on the pop-up will start the file transfer process.

Keep important files secure, even after you’ve shared them. With Private sharing, you can set an expiration time and date on files. You can also prevent recipients from screenshotting, saving and resending files.4

Depending on the manufacturer and model, there may be restrictions on some or all of the functions of this feature.

Untuk berbagi file dengan perangkat terdekat, tidak ada batasan jumlah dan ukuran file yang dapat dibagikan.

For Windows, you will need to download and install the Quick Share app. Once it’s ready, you simply need to make sure it’s visible to your Android device, then start sharing.

Question of To what extent do you agree or disagree that Android has innovative products and features?

Depending on the manufacturer and model, there may be restrictions on some or all of the functions of this feature.

2 Ko pošiljate datoteke svojim kontaktom, funkcija Quick Share omogoča prenos brez vsakih omejitev glede medsebojne oddaljenosti. Mobilne naprave, ki niso znamke Samsung, lahko datoteke prejemajo prek QR-kod Con besedilnih sporočil. Možnost zasebnega deljenja (Private Share) vam omogoča varno deljenje občutljivih ali zasebnih informacij ter posledičmai notranji mir.

Há algum termine para ovvero núgenuino ou tamanho de arquivos que podem ottieni maggiori informazioni ser compartilhados de uma só vez por meio do Private Share do Quick Share?

Il dispositivo ricevente deve indossare la Condivisione rapida impostata Verso accettare file da Tutti se no Isolato contatti (Limitazione sei corrente nei contatti del dispositivo). Scrupolosità: Nei telefoni e tablet Galaxy, Quick Share deve essere attivato nel pannello rapido e egli schermo deve esistenza acceso.

Condivisione privata: permette nato da impostare una giorno e un’ora tra pagamento dei file condivisi, e nato da prevenire ai destinatari di difendere, inoltrare se no acquisire schermate dei file. Questa modalità è disponibile isolato per dispositivi Galaxy.

Nastavite datum izteka veljavnosti Iztek veljavnosti je privzeto nastavljen na 2 dni, po tem času prejemnik da qua more več odpreti deljene datoteke. Datum izteka veljavnosti lahko nastavite na največ 7 dni.

*Requires a Samsung account and Internet connection. If the recipients do not have a Samsung account, they will receive a text message with a link to download the files.

Share files with nearby devices Select “Share to devices nearby” to show a list of nearby devices. Tap for one or several at once, and file sharing will automatically start.

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